Prevention, Management of Aggression and Violence-DN Health and Safety Training

Prevention, Management of Aggression and Violence



The aim of this Prevention and Management of Aggression and Violence (PMAV) Course is to provide learners with the knowledge, skills and attitude to be able to manage aggression and violence.
This course provides staff members with the knowledge, confidence and skill in recognising the early indicators, assessing and de-escalating aggressive behaviour encountered within the context of their role.
Who should attend?
All individuals working in a Challenging role.
This course is based on the HSE’s Policy on the Prevention and Management of Work-Related Aggression & Violence 2018, their
Strategy for Managing Work-related Aggression and Violence within the Irish Health Service 2008 and the Mental Health Commission’s Code of Practice on the use of Physical Restraint. This is similar in content to the MAPA Course.

Course Content:

  • Theory of violence and aggression in the workplace
  • What violence and aggression in the workplace is
  • Understanding and managing conflict within healthcare
  • Ethical & Legal requirements associated with violence and aggression
  • Strategies to avoid occurrences of aggression and violence
  • Identification, assessment and resolution of conflict
  • Recognition, assessment and management of escalating situations.
  • Assault cycle
  • Recognition and assessment of the escalation process
  • Use of stage specific de-escalation skills
  • Service user and situation specific risk assessment and management.
  • Verbal de-escalation skills
  • Management of verbal aggression
  • Crisis management
  • Physical and psychological risks involved in physical interventions
  • Safe practice in lone working and working alone
  • Personal safety in providing physical care
  • Risks associated with the use of physical interventions
  • Physical Interventions and breakaway techniques
Practical Demonstration
The practical element of the course will include the following:
  • Defence against Kicks, Slaps & Punches.
  • Breakaways: Wrist/Arm Release, Two Hand Wrist Release, Release from Clothing Hold (Push/Pull), Clothing Release from hold from behind, Release from Hair Hold, Breakaway from hold to shoulders or neck, Body hold, Biting, Breakaway from Hair Hold & Ligature.
  • Assessment
  • The course comprises of theory and practical. It is tailored to suit the industry of the trainees. There will be a short written test and skills demonstration as part of the assessment.
  • Course Duration: 6 hours
  • Trainer
  • All courses are delivered by approved instructor/s.
  • Certification:

Certified by DN Health and Safety Training in line with HSE’s Policy on the Prevention and Management of Work-Related Aggression & Violence 2018, their Strategy for Managing Work-related Aggression and Violence within the Irish Health Service 2008 and the Mental Health Commissions’ Code of Practice on the use of Physical Restraint

  • Certification Validity: 2 Years
  • Refresher Course:
  • The learners must undergo refresher training every two years.
  • Booking For Groups/Companies:
  • Contact Tom on 0863124290 or email for quotes & bookings.
